Healing Post Partum Bath Soak

Postpartum herbal soaks are a lovely, natural way to soothe tender, inflamed skin, heal tears, reduce hemorrhoids, and otherwise pamper yourself after you have your baby. I recommend a bath a day for no longer then 10 minutes to help soothe and heal your skin. It also offers you the opportunity for some much needed me time, medicine for mind & body.

I myself enjoyed a healing sitz bath after my daughter was born and I was recovering from an unplanned caesarean. After my initial dressing was removed from my caesarean site I would gently bathe then pat my wound dry with a clean towel. I would then apply some high waisted fresh cotton knickers (you don’t want anything rubbing on the scar line as this will aggregate the wound and could contribute to complications or delayed healing.

There are many variations of herbs that can be used. I have posted below a combination I like to to soothe tender perineal tissue, heal tears, episiotomies, promote caesarean scar healing and reduce inflammation, and even shrink hemorrhoids after a vaginal birth.

Preparing the bath is as simple as making a giant pot of tea, and the medicinal liquid can also be made into compresses if you are needing even more support for your perineum.

Red raspberry leaf is a super gentle yet effective herb that is a mineral-rich uterine tonic and a skin soother.

Herbs like chamomile, calendula, & witch hazel are antiseptic and great for increasing circulation to pelvic area.

Lavender has a relaxing floral scent. It promotes restfulness, and is antibacterial, antifungal, and an antioxidant.

Witch Hazel used for hemorrhoid relief and treatment is known for its anti-inflmmatory and healing properties.

Yarrow, Both the dried herb and flowers can be used with similar properties. Yarrow has wonderful antibacterial and antifungal compounds that are helpful in replenishing the interstinal flora. It is also helpful in stopping bleeding from haemorrhage.


* 1 cup or of Epsom Salt

* 1/4 cup of Red Rasperry Leaf

* 1/4 cup of Lavender

* 1/4 cup of Witch Hazel

* 1/4 cup of Yarrow

* 1/4 cup of Calendula

* 1/4 cup of Chamomile

Please note this is not medical advice.


Nutrition, Wound Healing & Recovery


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