Homeopathy in Pregnancy & Childbirth

Harnessing the power of nature is Pregnancy, Childbirth & Postpartum.

Earlier this week I didn’t a little course for Birth Workers in the use of Homeopathy and it’s used for pregnancy, birth and post partum.

I love exploring alternative ways to support my clients. Having an overview of any considerations clients wants to explore is a useful tool. It’s also useful on a personal level for my health and that of my families.

I am very interested in a more gentle and natural approach. I love seeing how different methods work for different people. Because that’s the point isn’t it. We are all different and it’s not a one size fits all!

Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own natural healing ability. Medicine is selected with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing.

Did you know?!

Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world today, as recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Two hundred  years of practice, research and trials means Homeopathy is perfectly safe. Unlike  some conventional drugs, homeopathic medicines are non-addictive and have no dangerous side-effects making it safe to use for babies,  children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Homeopathy doesn’t interfere with conventional medicine and should be seen as a complementary treatment, not as an alternative. For me, it is something I am going to utilise for my family as a first line treatment before turning to more traditional medicine from the GP.

Homeopathy can be a useful tool in pregnancy, labour and post partum.

Some examples include.


Nausea & Vomiting






Can give you a little nudge into labour post 40 weeks

Can support physiological 3rd stage of labour

Post Partum

Emotional Trauma/Shock

Soft Tissue Healing

Hormone balancing

Wound Healing

Nerve pains

Physical Exhaustion

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss with me how homeopathy can help you. I use Helios Childbirth Kit linked here.

*remember to notify your health care provider of any alternative medicines you wish to explore* not medical advice*


I’m having another baby


A Safe Space